
What I'm working on now! If I know an approximate posting date, I've mentioned it; otherwise, it's a free for all.

  • a couple of ask box prompts

  • Rinverse!Daster for the 5k August

  • 7 daster fics for our ship week September!

  • the erasermight fic I started in 2018 & a MitsuAzu fic for All-Ships Week October

  • maybe...MAYBE...another Uramichi/Kumatani fic for All-Ships Week (idk if there's time) October

  • entry for the rinharu twists & turns fest/zine November

  • entry for ficwip's 2024 original anthology December

read & get writing updates
on AO3 | on SquidgeWorld | writing tag on tumblr


tumblr I live here
writing blog - writing, art & cute things
personal blog - everything else
museawayfic (rarely used)

about me

I don't have any control over who follows me, so here are a few things you might want to know in advance:

  • I'm an adult

  • I'm rarely NSFW but it's been known to happen

  • I play in a handful of fandoms simultaneously & switch fandoms spontaneously when I read/watch something new

  • I run #ficwip and will try to recruit you for events!

  • I ship what I like and respect your right to do the same

  • I reject all sides of purity culture. You're free to like or dislike something without having to justify it

  • I'm friends with people who ship my NOTP

  • I don't engage with people who demean fic writers, post hate, suicidebait, articulate pro-censorship beliefs, defame or libel other people in fandom, or are otherwise toxic or harmful

  • I take breaks from social media and fandom for my mental health and will ignore notifications and comments.

  • I don't like cake

  • If I ever say "a baby!" cheerfully in public, I'm talking about a dog

  • My pen name has nothing to do with the band but I love their music, especially Aftermath

Current Fandoms & Ships*

I'm probably thinking about one of these:

  • Aster/Dante Nu: Carnival

  • Bingqiu SVSSS

  • Erasermight BNHA

  • Mitsugi/Azuma Paradise

  • Erwin/Levi SnK

  • Uramichi/Kumatani Uramichi Oniisan

  • 07-Ghost (manga)

* List subject to change spontaneously after I watch something new 😌

events & projects

I run all-fandom events under the #ficwip umbrella and occasionally haunt other mod teams.I've been involved with fandom event management for a decade, and have had the honor of being on teams for close to 100 projects of varying types, including ship weeks, big bangs, writing retreats, and digital zines. In my professional life, I work in print and digital design, social media marketing, project management, and event organizing.

2024 events

I'm either organizing these or designing something for the team

  • MEDLEY! rinharu bang, posting in March 2024

  • Make Me (Crack) Ship It! (discord event) - January 1 - March 31st

  • Dream Cruise! Retreat Weekend - February 9-11

  • Hey, Sweetheart all fandoms fest - February 11-14

  • T'hy'la Reverse Bang - March-June

  • Twists & Turns - a rinharu fest & zine (also the designer) - March-November

  • Level Up! - a ficwip event running April & May

  • Villain's Lair Retreat Weekend - April

  • Sakurathon rinharu event - April 27 & 28

  • Designer for On Call BNHA zine - June

  • #ficwip 5k all fandoms AU fest - June 1 - August 31

  • ficwip writing retreat #4 (discord) - July 19-21

  • Designer for the Daster Week zine - September

  • ficwip writing retreat (discord)

  • press anthology 2024 (also the designer)

  • To Spite You, Personally (discord event) - October & November

  • The All-Ships Ship Week! - October 21-27

2025 events

Stuff I'm organizing and/or designing

  • Hey, Sweetheart

  • Level Up

  • #ficwip 5k

  • The All-Ships Ship Week

  • ficwip's 4 server retreat weekends

  • Fairytale Bang - January - June

  • TBD rinharu fest + zine - June

  • TBD mystery event (discord event) - October & November

  • TBD erasermight project (tentative) - possibly a digital zine

podcasts + Q&As

I love talking about fandom & community. Listen to me laugh and speak too quickly!

Talkin' Fanfic interview about Smallville, Star Trek AOS, Supernatural, and #ficwip - December 6, 2021Fanthology interview about Kirk/Spock - March 19, 2020Q&A with Sheith Book Club about oceans between (you and me) -
August 2019
"9 questions with..." Q&A with All SPN Ships December 7, 2016